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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Monkeybars Debuts Social Marketplace to Discover, Buy and Share Digital Content

Monkeybars Debuts Social Marketplace to Discover, Buy and Share Digital Content

Artists and Fans Can Now Earn Meaningful Rewards through Innovative Social Graph Royalty System; Beta Launch Celebrations Underway at Slamdance and NAMM

LOS GATOS, Calif., Jan. 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Monkeybars, a social marketplace to discover, buy and share innovative content, today officially welcomes creators and tastemakers to join the new community that enables artists and fans to earn meaningful royalties from the online activities they already do daily. The beta launch of Monkeybars aims to subvert the bureaucratic e-commerce status quo by building a sustainable community that values artists for their creativity and fans for their support.

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Currently, most indie artists struggle to distribute and make money from their content--with some of the most popular music sites paying only a fraction of a penny. Monkeybars introduces the first e- and m-commerce platform that enables artists to monetize and distribute content directly while rewarding their fans for sharing and recommending it. To eliminate unnecessary middle men, Monkeybars allows artists to upload their own, unique content and provides an incentivized platform to interact directly with their fans. Instead of compensating fans through antiquated and meaningless rewards "points," Monkeybars delivers cash royalties.

"With the advent of online distribution, recording artists and their management teams are looking to leverage the frictionless nature of online distribution and the ability of social networking tools to create direct, and hopefully persistent connections with their true fans," said Mike McGuire, vice president of research with Gartner's Media Industry Advisory Services. "Platforms which can marry both of those capabilities - and turn those true fans into an artist's or band's best sales people, are going to be increasingly valuable to the music industry."

"Right now, friends are constantly recommending content through social networks, but they are not getting anything for it, while the artists--from the popular to the undiscovered--continue to hand over large percentages of their worth to third parties in order to have their voices heard," said Tom Thimot, CEO of Monkeybars. "We created Monkeybars to put artists and fans back in the driver's seat. As influential fans steer their friends towards fresh and innovative content, not only is the support of artist's creativity accelerated, the entire community is rewarded and sustained," said Monkeybars Founder, Robert Hayden.

How Monkeybars Works
Monkeybars is not just a new social network or a new commerce site. Rather, it complements existing relationships on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc., to allow users to make more meaningful recommendations to their friends. After joining Monkeybars, content providers can grow their community and upload their own unique content--including music, film, e-books, and art--for sale in the Monkeybars Market and set the price points for each piece of content, as well as the monetary amount of royalties the artist wishes to "reward" the community. Then, for each purchase through the Monkeybars Social Graph Royalty Program(TM), the network of fan recommendations that led to the purchase is financially rewarded. Consumers joining the Monkeybars community can tap their existing social networks to recommend the content they find most interesting. Artists who join Monkeybars can build their community, connect directly with fans like never before, upload and sell their content and reward their fans.

Filmmakers and Musicians Celebrate the Monkeybars Beta Launch
This week Monkeybars kicks off the new social marketplace with the "Social Shorty Awards" at the showcase for the discovery of new and emerging filmmakers, Slamdance, in Park City, Utah. The filmmaker with the most purchased short film and the Most Influential Fan will receive monetary awards. Meanwhile, in Anaheim, Calif. Monkeybars is courting the musician set at the famous NAMM with artists singing Monkeybars praises. Visit Monkeybars at NAMM by stopping by Exhibit Hall E : Booth E21.

How to Join Monkeybars
To join the Monkeybars community, please visit Monkeybars values the feedback of its Beta community, will encourage engaged members to invite their friends and the Monkeybars development team may seek feedback to guide future releases.

About Monkeybars
Monkeybars is a social marketplace that connects artists and their fans like never before. Only Monkeybars rewards fans for discovering and sharing the content they love across their dynamic social networks through its unique Social Graph Royalty Program(TM). Monkeybars provides artists a channel that incentivizes fans to accelerate distribution of their content while artists maintain control of profits and rights. Artists can directly interact on Monkeybars with their fan base and reward their loyalty and support. Coming to the Monkeybars playground simplifies discovering content you'll love, while directly supporting artists and authors, rewarding fans' loyalty and creating a self-sustaining community.

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CONTACT: Dara Sklar or Andrea Hawley, Schwartz MSL for Monkeybars, +1-415-512-0770,

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