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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nielsen Media Research to Adspace: People are Watching!

Nielsen Media Research to Adspace: People are Watching!

Adspace Networks Reveals Nielsen Media Research Data Showing 47 Percent of Mall Shoppers Watch Adspace's Smart Screens

NEW YORK, July 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Nearly half of mall shoppers (47 percent) viewed content provided on the Adspace Mall Network(1) and, of those viewers, 34 percent had an average recall(2) of specific ads they saw on the network, revealed a new study by Nielsen Media Research.

Adspace Networks, owner of the largest in-mall digital video advertising network in the country and leader in out-of-home digital networks, commissioned Nielsen Media Research to measure the percentage of mall visitors viewing their Smart Screens, including each viewer's frequency and duration.

The network runs programming on its Smart Screens called Today's Top Ten - - which show the 10 best deals in the mall each week. Over 250 participating retailers now submit their best deals for a chance to be selected by Adspace for a free spot on the network. The Today's Top Ten spots are then incorporated within a six-minute loop of both local and national advertising content.

The results show that shoppers viewed the Smart Screens an average of 3.3 times per visit with an average total viewing time of 1.9 minutes (or 114 seconds). During that time, the average length of each view is 34 seconds. With advertisements on the "Smart Screens" lasting 10-15 seconds, each shopper sees nearly three spots per view. By the end of their mall trip, viewers of the Smart Screens will have seen nearly 10 spots on the network.

Teens were even more likely to watch the Smart Screens (57 percent) and devoted more time to doing so. Teens 12-17 viewed the Smart Screens an average of 5.5 times per visit with an average viewing time of 2.2 minutes (or 132 seconds).

Additional findings include:
-- Seventy-seven percent of Adspace viewers agree(3) that the Smart
Screens are a good thing for malls to offer their customers;
-- Seventy-one percent agree that the programming and advertising is
-- Sixty-five percent agree they enjoy having the Smart Screens available
to check stores with sales; and
-- Eighty percent of all mall shoppers reported they would look at,
watch, or listen to the Smart Screens on their next visit to the mall.

"The media planning and buying community holds new media to a particularly high standard of proof of performance, and Nielsen is the gold standard of media measurement," said Bill Ketcham, executive vice president, CMO, Adspace Networks. "As one of the first digital out-of-home mall networks to commit ourselves to Nielsen measurement, we are setting a new standard for our industry. These data provides the media community confidence to make a media buy with Adspace and take advantage of its ability to reach a highly engaged audience very efficiently."

"The release of the new Nielsen study brings an added dimension of accountability and ROI to Adspace, which should make any advertiser feel more confident in this medium," said Brian Ludwick, vice president, media planning director, Carat. "We were particularly impressed with the data on frequency of viewing among teens, because it exceeded even our expectations. There aren't many ways left that allow us to reach our target an average of five times in a single visit, but this is one of them. Teens are finding compelling reasons to return to the Adspace screens multiple times, and this helps confirm why it has always been an effective buy for our teen-focused clients such as Nickelodeon and MTV."


Nielsen Media Research's New Media Services fielded intercept interviews and enumeration counts for a statistical probability sample of affiliated Adspace Mall Network malls(4), dates and dayparts. During a 28-day measurement interval of April 3-30, 2007, traffic counting and interviewing took place in six different network malls across 18 dayparts. Intercept interviews were completed with 610 mall visitors 12 years of age or older as they exited mall corridors through outer mall exits or anchor stores.

About Adspace Networks, Inc

Adspace Networks, Inc. owns and operates the Adspace Mall Network, the largest in-mall digital video advertising network in the country. Currently located throughout 75 upscale malls across the United States, the network consists of over 900, eight-foot-tall plasma screens -- called "Smart Screens." The Smart Screen displays show programming which combines a mix of the top ten sale items in the mall, mall events, and local and national advertising. The network reaches over 75 million affluent (source: Directory of Major Malls(R)) consumers each month, and is particularly effective at reaching teens, young adults, and women. Adspace is also a charter member of the Out-of-Home Video Advertising Bureau (OVAB), an organization that will help provide standards and best practices for the burgeoning out-of-home video advertising industry.

All names are the property of their respective owners.
This document is available on the KCSA Worldwide Website at

(1)Mall shoppers are persons 12+ who visited the mall corridors or food
court; viewers are persons 12+ who glanced at, watched or listened to
the Adspace Smart Screens.
(2)Three ad average (net unaided/aided/photo-prompted recall)
(3)Strongly + Somewhat Agreement based on a five-point scale
(4)Sample malls were selected from the 14 total affiliated malls where
mall management agreed to allow interviewing on the property.

CONTACT: Anne Donohoe / Jennifer Handshew / Christa Conte
KCSA Worldwide
212.896.1261 / 212.896.1272 / 212.896.1238 / /

Source: Adspace Networks

CONTACT: Anne Donohoe, +1-212-896-1261,, or Jennifer
Handshew, +1-212-896-1272,, or Christa Conte,
+1-212-896-1238,, all of KCSA Worldwide, for Adspace Networks

Web site:

Profile: intent


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