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International Entertainment News

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Freewebs Announces New Widget Advertising Campaign For Universal Studio's Critically Acclaimed 'Knocked Up'

Freewebs Announces New Widget Advertising Campaign For Universal Studio's Critically Acclaimed 'Knocked Up'

NEW YORK, July 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Freewebs, the company that offers the web's most open personal publishing platform and helps people unleash their creativity online (, announced today from WidgetCon 2007 in NYC, it is launching a creative new widgetized advertising campaign for Universal Studio's summer hit, 'Knocked Up'.

The new widget campaign on Freewebs encourages people to interact with the movie and its characters, as well as enjoy playing with a fun 'Baby Maker' photo page which allows people to upload a photo themselves and someone else to see an automatically generated funny baby picture showing an amusing mix of features from both photos.

"Today's users are speaking for the brand through their own voices by tagging their sites with widgets, and we make sure that all of these widgets are easily shareable and publishable," said Shervin Pishevar, President, Freewebs. "We're basically tapping into a whole new form of contextual advertising, which is based on mutual, shared interests rather than an automated algorithm in the background. The algorithm is people's hearts, their souls, their passions, their feelings, and that's meaningful," said Pishevar.

Freewebs, has been a trail blazer in running successful widget marketing and advertising campaigns in 2007, reinforcing what some industry experts have referred to as the 'year of the widget' in advertising. Recent campaigns include:

-- Cingular -- Freewebs created a cutting-edge ring tone advertising
campaign which featured multi-media, viral video widgets to spotlight
new and emerging artists.
-- Paramount Pictures/Freedom Writers -- Freewebs built a highly engaging
campaign called "Be Heard" which was sponsored by Paramount. The
campaign involved a community on the homepage which encouraged people
to start a meaningful exchange with one another, and to share personal
and inspirational stories -- just as they do in the movie.
-- Reebok -- Freewebs created a customized a campaign that allows users to
create and show-off their RBK creations via a virtual Shoe Fight
contest. Freewebs aligned with RBK to increase awareness of their "Run
Easy" brand and to drive traffic to the

-- Ghost Rider/Sony Pictures -- To help promote the Ghost Rider movie,
Freewebs created a campaign utilizing media and creative elements via
templates, shout-box, games and cursor effects.
-- Adidas -- Adidas launched a "Impossible Is Nothing" brand message to
consumers. The objective of the campaign on Freewebs was to encourage
consumers to adopt "Impossible Is Nothing" as their own personal
mantra. Freewebs created a widget campaign to showcase this message via
a user generated widget platform. This widget let users submit a
story/brief account or videos demonstrating their 'Impossible Is
Nothing' experiences, aspirations and achievements. These stories were
then added to the Adidas stars' video stories as a form of inspiration.
-- Number 23 Movie Campaign-- Freewebs compelled users to see the Number
23 movie by creating a viral widget to ignite interest in the mystery
of The Number 23. Freewebs developed a unique Widget Game that
manipulated bits of the User's personal information to show them the
ubiquity of the number 23 in their own lives.

"Engaging with widgets is a consumer's personal choice," said Chris Cunningham, Vice President, Freewebs Advertising. "The second a person takes a widget to their individual page, what was once an ad, becomes content."

Freewebs has been leading the way in more effective advertising campaigns with widgets, and to date, 17 million people and counting have built websites on To create a quality, free easy-to-use Freewebs Forum, website or blog, please visit today.


Freewebs is the company that offers the web's most open personal publishing platform, dedicated to ensuring everyone in the world can create a quality multimedia website. For anyone with an Internet connection and something to share, Freewebs provides the toolkit to express their voice on the Web through its versatile publishing platform. To date, Freewebs members have created more than 17 million comprehensive websites including blogs, photos, videos, music, e-commerce and more. Founded in 2001, Freewebs is privately held and based in Silver Spring, MD.

Jo McKenna

Lane Buschel / Chris Macowski
The Morris + King Company for Freewebs
212-561-7454 / 212-561-7459

First Call Analyst:
FCMN Contact:

Source: Freewebs

CONTACT: Jo McKenna of Freewebs, +1-646-382-4291,; or
Lane Buschel, +1-212-561-7454,, or Chris
Macowski, +1-212-561-7459,, both of The Morris
+ King Company for Freewebs

Web site:

Profile: intent


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