Himalaya Film Festival, Tokyo 2006
Himalaya Film Festival, Tokyo 2006
TOKYO, August 10/PRNewswire/ -- The Himalaya Film Festival Executive Committee, in collaboration with NHK
(Japanese Broadcasting Corporation), is pleased to announce that it will
organize the first Himalaya Film Festival in Tokyo this summer from August 14
till 22.
The HFFT 2006 will offer the public an excellent and unique opportunity
to take a closer look at the Himalayan region as it really is, including
present-day Northern India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and Tibet, and to rethink
about the global environmental problems and human diversity through the
region. 'We have to look beyond the common stereotypes,' says Director Dr
Glenn Mitrasing. In addition to screening sixteen authentic, award winning,
documentaries that cover topics ranging from intrepid climbing expeditions to
cultural festivals and events unique to the region, to pressing environmental
issues, the festival aims to promote discussion of some of the issues
examined in the films. In conjunction with the festival, a symposium entitled
how to Deal With Global Warming Issues, Starting From the Himalayas- to be
broadcasted on NHK - will be held on August 12th 2006.
The Himalaya Film Festival, which is just beginning to branch out to
several cities around the world, is the only international film festival that
documents the Himalayan region. It officially started in 2003 in Amsterdam
and was organized by the Himalaya Archief Nederland (Himalayan Archive
Foundation), a Dutch NGO (More info at: www.himalaya-archief.nl). "We firmly
believe that the Himalaya Film Festival Tokyo 2006 project will help foster
people's understanding about the Himalayan region, the human-nature
relationship and environmental issues," say the executive committee members
including Mrs. Junko Tabei, the first woman to reach the peak of Mount
Everest. 2006 will be a Himalaya-first year in Japan.
The structure of the festival is as follows:
Host: Himalaya Film Festival Executive Committee
(NHK International / Himalaya Archief Nederland)
Co-host: NHK
Festival site: NHK Fureai Hall
Fee: Advanced Ticket: 1000 yen/Day Ticket: 1100 yen
Official site: www.himalaya-tokyo.net
International site: www.himalayafilmfestival.nl
1) Screening international 16 documentary films on the Himalayan region
2) Holding a related symposium: How to Deal With Global Warming Issues,
Starting From the Himalayas (This symposium will be broadcasted on NHK:
NHK BS Forum August 12, 2006/6pm-7pm)
Source: Himalayan Archive Foundation, The Netherlands
CONTACT: Public Relations: +81(0)8065868156, Kunihiko Tanaka: Executive Director: The Himalaya Film Festival Executive Committee c/o NHK International, 6F 7-13 Udagawacho Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0042, Tel. +81-(0)3-3464-1823, Fax. +81-(0)3-3770-1829, tanaka@himalaya-tokyo.net
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