Winners Announced for $50,000 Kairos Prize Script-Writing Contest; Grand Prize and Two Runners-Up Named at Movieguide(R) Awards Gala
Winners Announced for $50,000 Kairos Prize Script-Writing Contest; Grand Prize and Two Runners-Up Named at Movieguide(R) Awards Gala
LOS ANGELES, March 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Robinoff, Pascal, Katzenberg and Cook all have some serious reading to do after last night's announcement of the inaugural Kairos Prize scriptwriting contest winners. Each of the studio representatives previously committed to reading and considering the works of the winning scribes. The winners were:
JOHN, THE REVELATOR, David M. Anthony - Grand Prize Winner - from
Lancaster, Calif.
COINCIDENTAL MIRACLES, Heather Hughes - 1st Runner Up - from Seattle,
MEN OF IRON, Graham Harrison Moes - 2nd Runner Up - from Fresno, Calif.
The $50,000 award will be dispersed among the winners ($25,000; $15,000; and $10,000 respectively), and all three scripts now have hopes of being made into a major motion picture by a top studio, including those who agreed to take a first look at the winners: Jeff Robinoff, president of production for Warner Bros., Amy Pascal of Sony, Disney's Dick Cook, and DreamWorks' Jeffrey Katzenberg.
The $50,000 Kairos Prize for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays was developed last fall by the Templeton Foundation and the Christian Film & Television Commission(TM) to encourage the production of more inspirational films in Hollywood. It will be awarded biennially.
"We are most excited for the opportunities this new prize has awarded our winners -- many of whom may never have had a chance to have their work reviewed by any key decision makers at any studios -- much less the top ones in the business," Dr. Jack Templeton of the Templeton Foundation said. "We just hope these executives will now see the merit in these inspirational themes, which we know the majority of American audiences appreciate."
"We have seen time and time again that movies with values and messages about faith and hope are the most popular with American audiences," added Dr. Ted Baehr, founder and publisher of "Movieguide(R)," a guide to every movie released from a biblical perspective. "It's just a shame those types of films are continually overlooked by the Academy(R). By infusing some new creativity into the system, we hope to see some films produced that can win on both tracks."
Specific criteria for the script contest described screenplays that are wholesome, uplifting and inspirational, and which result in a greater increase in either man's love for or understanding of the "one true creator God," similar to the famous Templeton Prize for progress in religion. More information is available at . As the contest is biennial, entries for the next competition will not be due until late 2007.
Melany Ethridge 972-267-1111
Source: Templeton Foundation
CONTACT: Melany Ethridge, +1-972-267-1111, for Templeton Foundation
Web site:
NOTE TO EDITORS: Both Dr. Ted Baehr and Dr. Jack Templeton are available for interviews regarding the Kairos Prize. Please contact Melany Ethridge at 214 912-8934 or via, for more information or to arrange an interview.
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