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Thursday, August 01, 2013

Bell calls on Minister of Industry to confront the loopholes and make a fair decision for Canadians

Bell calls on Minister of Industry to confront the loopholes and make a fair decision for Canadians

-- Bell is ready to compete with any wireless carrier on a level
playing field -- but 3 loopholes in federal regulations give
special benefits designed for wireless startups to major US
wireless players like Verizon
-- All Canadians will pay to help a giant American carrier - 4x
bigger than Canada's wireless sector combined - get benefits
denied to Canadian companies
-- Ottawa gets nothing in return - Canadian companies can't get
the same subsidized access in the US or any other country
-- Canadians of all kinds are concerned about the cost to
individual Canadians and the impact on national investment,
employment and innovation

MONTREAL, Aug. 1, 2013 /CNW Telbec/ - With a growing chorus of concern
across the country, Bell Canada today called on the federal government
to immediately address the loopholes in its wireless policy framework
that favour major US wireless carriers at the expense of Canadians and
our country's world-class wireless industry and network infrastructure.

"Bell has made clear that we welcome wireless competition and we've
always supported policies that promote competition. We ask only for a
level playing field where the same rules apply to all," said George
Cope, President and CEO of Bell Canada and BCE. "The loopholes in the
wireless rules actually give major US incumbents a range of benefits
designed for new players, including special access to Canadian airwaves
and Canadian networks. It's time for Ottawa to confront these
loopholes, their costs to Canadians and the implications for Canadian
industry and infrastructure."

"We've now seen serious concern about the wireless loopholes from all
corners - business and labour leaders, financial and business analysts,
editorialists and academics, and thousands of other Canadians all
calling on their government to level the playing field. They all see
the unfairness of the wireless loopholes for Canadians and that this is
an issue that needs to be discussed and addressed," said Mr. Cope.

Despite reports to the contrary, Bell and other wireless companies have
consistently highlighted concerns about the wireless rules through 4
Ministers of Industry, since the government began consultations on its
upcoming 700 MHz spectrum auction in 2007. In fact, Bell was assured by
the government that unintended consequences such as the entry of US
giants on uniquely favourable terms would not occur.

It's a crucial issue because the 700 MHz airwaves being auctioned off by
Ottawa are a national public resource. The ability of this spectrum to
support rapid rollouts of new mobile technology to rural and remote
Canadian locations make it the most important since the launch of
wireless service in 1985.

"Our solutions to the wireless loopholes support competition and are
entirely consistent with the principles set out in Industry Minister
James Moore's statement yesterday. We're asking the government to close
the loopholes in order to ensure a fair and level competitive playing
field," said Mirko Bibic, Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer for Bell.
"With Ottawa continuing to avoid the issue right up until today, we can
only conclude that providing subsidies to entice US giants like Verizon
was the plan all along."

"We question the government's objectives when we know that the average
Verizon customer pays more for wireless than Bell customers. Verizon
bills its wireless customers an average of $57.17 per month - Bell's
average monthly wireless bill is $55.92. Considering the costs to
individual Canadians and no assurance that Verizon's entry will enhance
pricing or service competition, we ask how this plan is in any way fair
or beneficial for Canadians," said Mr. Bibic.

Canada's wireless industry is one of the most vibrant in the world. Our
world-leading networks serve 99% of the population, thanks to annual
investments of almost $3 billion by the Canadian carriers (Canadian
companies invest more per capita in telecommunications than any other
country in the G8). Pricing is competitive with developed countries,
and up to 40% lower than in the much larger US market, according to an
independent report prepared for the CRTC. Smartphone penetration is
also higher in Canada than the US.

To ensure all Canadians can continue to benefit from a world-class
wireless industry, Bell urges the government to support a fair and open

-- Permit any carrier to bid on two blocks of prime spectrum in
the upcoming auction of Canada's 700 MHz airwaves - not just US

-- Require US carriers that enter Canada to build out to the
entire country, as Canadian companies have done, rather than
mandating their direct access to the world-leading networks
built by Canadians.

-- Allow major Canadian carriers the opportunity to bid against
the major US companies to acquire wireless startups seeking
buyers, with full review by the Competition Bureau. As the
rules stand, US wireless companies can buy smaller wireless
competitors in Canada, but Canadian wireless carriers like Bell

The issue is so critical that the Boards of Directors of Bell, Rogers
and TELUS took the unprecedented step of sending a joint letter to the
Prime Minister on July 9.

"We call on Industry Minister Moore to closely consider the advice of
these respected Canadian leaders and the broad implications for
individual Canadians, the Canadian telecommunications industry and our
national economy of leaving these loopholes open. Canadians simply
should not have to pay for special advantages for giant US companies
when there are no assurances of any benefits for Canada in doing so,"
said Mr. Cope.

To learn more about this situation and to read the letter to the Prime
Minister, please visit

About Bell

Headquartered in Montréal since its founding in 1880, BCE (TSX, NYSE:
BCE) is Canada's largest communications company, providing leading
wireless, TV, Internet, home phone, and business communications
services from Bell Canada and Bell Aliant. Bell Media is Canada's
premier multimedia company with leading assets in television, radio and
digital media. For more information, please visit

The Bell Let's Talk mental health initiative is a national charitable
program that promotes Canadian mental health across Canada with the
Bell Let's Talk Day anti-stigma campaign and significant funding for
community care, research and workplace best practices. To learn more,
please visit

SOURCE Bell Canada

Bell Canada

CONTACT: Media inquiries:
Jacqueline Michelis
Bell Communications
1 855 785-1427
jacqueline.michelis@bell.caInvestor inquiries:
Thane Fotopoulos
BCE Investor Relations
(514) 870-4619

Profile: intent


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