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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

EcoMedia Adds Nearly 20 New Advertisers to Support Upcoming Environmental Projects in Communities Nationwide

EcoMedia Adds Nearly 20 New Advertisers to Support Upcoming Environmental Projects in Communities Nationwide

Environmental Groups Such As I.C.L.E.I., One Atmosphere and The Better World Group Join with EcoMedia to Support the Cause

Since Its January Debut, EcoMedia's EcoAd Advertising Program Has Already Launched Projects in Texas, California and Massachusetts, With More to Come in the Fall

NEW YORK, Aug. 10, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- EcoMedia's EcoAd advertising program has recently grown its client base, adding nearly 20 new advertisers, each of which have purchased ad time that will in turn support local environmental projects in communities across the country. The EcoAd program, which enjoys broad support within the environmental community, has also added a number of new "green" and community groups to its list of partners and supporters.

EcoMedia's new clients include Boston Properties, Cirque du Soleil, Ford Dealers of Northern California, Solar City and Winthrop Hospital, among many others. The new green and community supporters and partners include Environment California, Environment Now, One Atmosphere, Luminalt, Santa Monica Baykeepers, Solar Schools Initiative, Energy Independence Now, The Better World Group, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (I.C.L.E.I.), The Climate Group and the Foundation for Environmental Education.

"We welcome these new clients, supporters and partners to our EcoAd program, which turns advertising into action," explained Paul Polizzotto, President and Founder of EcoMedia. "Every year, corporations spend hundreds of billions of dollars in advertising. At EcoMedia, we leverage that money to fund a wide range of environmental projects in local communities. Ultimately, we want consumers to expect and demand that the commercials they watch, listen to and read will do something to improve the quality of their lives. That's our definition of green media."

"I believe that people - and companies - basically want to 'do good' but a lot of people are skeptics," said Wendy James, President, The Better World Group. "EcoMedia's EcoAd program is a terrific way to actually deliver the goods by making certain that a portion of each ad dollar goes to a great environmental cause. We need everyone pulling together to get closer to our goals, and this is a great way to add to our growing network of sustainable neighborhoods and communities."

The EcoAd program provides advertisers with the option of purchasing advertising that will deliver added value beyond a traditional marketing campaign. With the purchase of every EcoAd package, a portion of dollars spent goes directly toward funding environmental and clean energy projects, all of which have been identified by local municipalities and public entities as being critical. EcoAd advertising packages are available across CBS platforms, including network, local television, radio, outdoor, and online.

In addition to adding new clients, supporters and partners, EcoMedia has also put EcoAd dollars to work by launching projects in California, Massachusetts and Texas with three previously announced clients. Each project will make a significant environmental impact in their respective communities. Additional EcoMedia environmental projects will be announced in the coming months.

The three local projects which launched over the last few months include:

-- In Texas -- EcoMedia partnered with Chevrolet and the City of Arlington
to transform Randol Mill Park, where energy efficiency and water
conservation measures in the new concession and restroom facility as
well as solar panels on the building rooftop were constructed at no
additional cost to taxpayers.

-- In Massachusetts -- Residents of Shrewsbury will see solar energy in
action at the Floral Street Elementary School, thanks to an EcoAd grant
from Avidia Bank and with the participation and support of The
Foundation for Environmental Education. The outdoor classroom will be
incorporated into the math and science curriculum to help educate
students on the concept of renewable energy.

-- In California -- With an EcoAd grant from SunPower Corp., EcoMedia
collaborated with One Atmosphere, Luminalt and the City of San
Francisco, along with more than 100 volunteers, to install a 28kW solar
PV system on the roof of the Tel-Hi Community Center in northeastern San
Francisco. It is estimated that this project will reduce the Center's
energy costs by approximately 86%, allowing Tel-Hi to fund much-needed
services for senior citizens and local youth.

These successful alliances between stakeholders in Texas, Massachusetts and California are examples of the innovative public-private partnership model at the core of EcoMedia's approach. As public budgets face unprecedented cutbacks, municipalities are in urgent need of new and creative sources of funding; the EcoAd program fills the gap, offering advertisers the opportunity to accomplish tangible and lasting public benefits that would otherwise not have been possible.

Support for EcoMedia's EcoAd program has come from leaders across the public-private spectrum.

Michael Schmitz, Executive Director of the international nonprofit International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (I.C.L.E.I.) Local Governments for Sustainability, said, "There's a financing gap that's very real, and it will not be met by the federal government or the state governments, increasingly. But what EcoMedia has figured out is the way to get that bridge financing through this creative advertising model. It's exactly the kind of thing that's going to help catalyze these kinds of projects." (I.C.L.E.I. is a potential project sourcing and fulfillment resource for EcoMedia.)

Paul Scott, Executive Director, One Atmosphere said, "The EcoAd grant from CBS was pivotal in helping us put solar (panels) on top of the Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center in San Francisco. We had made a lot of good progress toward our goal, but the EcoAd grant put us over the top. The grant will do a lot of good for a lot of deserving people, while also helping the environment."

About CBS EcoMedia Inc.

At EcoMedia, we're propelled by the desire to create positive social change; that's been our mission since we founded the company in 2002. Our premise? That the billions of dollars spent annually in advertising represent a tremendous reservoir of untapped resources - resources that should be directed toward bricks-and-mortar projects which benefit local communities. We develop and nurture a wide-ranging network of partnerships with municipal governments and NGOs nationwide, and connect them with corporations eager to improve the quality of life in the communities they serve.

The result is our EcoAd program, a profoundly innovative twist on traditional advertising, which we have protected through a robust patent portfolio development program. Through our proprietary service, we are able to efficiently redirect a portion of every EcoAd-branded media buy to a local community, where it funds a much-needed environmental project: a solar installation on a community center (San Francisco), a refurbished park and playground for kids with special needs (Arlington, Texas), an elementary school solar learning area (Boston suburbs).

In 2008, after successfully partnering with CBS on a wide-range of projects including an energy efficiency retrofit and solar power installation at Miami City Hall, a green makeover for public schools in San Francisco, Miami and Cook County, Ill., and a solar panel installation at California's Long Beach airport, we were proud to become the newest addition to the CBS Corporation portfolio, exponentially scaling our reach across television, radio, interactive, publishing and outdoor media.

The EcoAd program aims to create jobs, save taxpayer money and improve the environment. In the process, we're fundamentally altering the advertising landscape, elevating the ordinary commercial - and green media, in general - into a catalyst for real, quantifiable, and measurable change.

We invite you to visit to learn more about the tangible improvements EcoMedia is making in communities across the country.

EcoAd is not a certification program, nor is the EcoAd logo a seal of approval. EcoMedia does not in any way certify, endorse or make any representations about EcoAd advertisers, their products or services.

Public Endorsements for EcoMedia & the EcoAd Program

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Founder & President, Waterkeeper Alliance and Senior Counsel, NRDC:"EcoMedia's EcoAd program has been one of the best ideas I have encountered to conserve and protect our natural resources... Cities get much needed funds; communities get cleaner water, air and green spaces; and corporations can put their resources to work for the betterment of society. Now as a CBS company, EcoMedia is partnered with a major media conglomerate to take the next logical and necessary step." (Paul Polizzotto serves on the Board of Trustees of the Waterkeeper Alliance.)

Fred Krupp, President, Environmental Defense Fund: "Environmental Defense Fund has always encouraged innovating financing mechanisms to transition our country to cleaner forms of energy. The EcoAd concept holds strong promise in this respect by generating private sector revenue to fund community-based renewable energy projects. While EDF is not endorsing any specific advertising or companies, the EcoAd program can have a positive impact in the transition to clean energy."

Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, State of California (Former Mayor, City of San Francisco):"California is proud to be the most innovative and progressive state when it comes to our Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), our Renewable Portfolio Standards, and our decades of achievements in energy efficiency, so we recognize and appreciate great innovations that effectively increase sustainability. That's exactly how I see this EcoAd venture backed by the proven team at EcoMedia and the broad sweep of their media assets."

George E. Pataki, Former Governor, State of New York:"As Governor of New York, I always understood that whether it was the preservation of over 1 million acres of open space for use by future generations or the establishment of cutting edge programs like the nation's first green building tax credit, improving our environment and creating jobs are not mutually exclusive goals. That's why I applaud EcoMedia for developing an innovative source of funding to do the same thing across America, making our communities healthier, more energy independent and more competitive in the global economy." (Mr. Pataki is employed by Chadbourne & Parke, LLP, which provides legal services related to intellectual property for EcoMedia CBS Inc.)

Terry O'Day, Executive Director of Environment Now: "EcoAd is a brilliant program and is a model for inspiring and fostering environmental protection. EcoAd advertisements leverage advertising dollars to make a tangible, real and positive impact in local communities by financing community projects that might not have otherwise been completed."

Dan Jacobson, Environment California: "EcoAds provide an innovative and bold approach to implementing sustainable action in local communities. Advertisers are making a direct impact, contributing to renewable energy projects that result in real environmental and health benefits."

Liz Crosson, Executive Director, Santa Monica Baykeeper: "The EcoAd program is innovative and exciting. Directing advertising dollars towards local environmental projects is exactly the type of program we need to invest in our future. Santa Monica Baykeeper commends EcoMedia for funding critical renewable energy and energy efficiency projects."

Nestor Fernandez, Executive Director, Telegraph Hill Community Center: "The grant that was made possible by the EcoAd program with EcoMedia-CBS was critical in allowing the rooftop solar installation on our Telegraph Hill Center to be completed. By significantly reducing our energy costs, and demonstrating the power of renewable energy to the residents of San Francisco who benefit from our facility, this project will have a tremendous and lasting impact on this community."

Daniel Emmett, President of the Board of Energy Independence Now: "EcoMedia CBS EcoAd program is an exciting model for the future bringing business solutions and awareness to solving environmental problems in our local communities."

Terri Ludwig, CEO, Enterprise Community Partners:Enterprise believes EcoMedia's EcoAd is a breakthrough opportunity for green affordable housing. As the first national green affordable housing program, Enterprise Green Communities fundamentally transforms the way we think about, design, build and retrofit housing for people with low-incomes. The additional capital that the EcoAd provides to projects will further support Enterprise's goal of ensuring that all affordable housing is green within the next decade." (Enterprise Community Partners is a potential project sourcing and fulfillment resource for EcoMedia.)

Denise Sheehan, CEO, The Climate Registry:"The Climate Registry recognizes CBS for its commitment to measure, report, and reduce its carbon footprint by publicly reporting its Greenhouse Gas emissions since 2006. We further support its leadership as the sole media company to have taken this stand. CBS' EcoAd product further demonstrates this leadership by offering the corporate sector an option for media purchasing that results in lasting carbon-reducing impacts." (CBS Corporation is a Climate Registry member.)

Mayor Bob Foster, City of Long Beach: "Companies are not tapping new budgets. It's money they're already spending on advertising; they're just spending it in a different way. Now with the EcoAd program, their dollars actually make tangible environmental improvements to local communities. We are proud that our city was an early partner in this innovative public-private partnership."

Manny Diaz, Former Mayor, City of Miami/Senior Partner, Lydecker Diaz: "I saw what EcoMedia made possible for my constituents and other municipalities nationwide when I was Mayor of Miami and President of U.S. Conference of Mayors and I wholeheartedly applaud CBS for acquiring EcoMedia and its brand, EcoAd."

Joel Makower, Chairman & Executive Editor, GreenBiz Group, Inc.: "Americans today are looking for companies to be environmental heroes -- to take bold, audacious actions that positively affect individuals, communities, and the planet. They want more than lip service or small, incremental change. They want, and deserve, action. EcoAd advertisements offer a powerful tool for companies to demonstrate their commitment and leadership."

Ed Begley, Jr.: "Every community deserves a clean, healthy environment and I can tell you first-hand that renewable energy projects, like installing solar panels, is a great way to achieve that goal. I applaud CBS-EcoMedia for funding these projects through its EcoAd program, because it gives us hope that we can change the world, one green step at a time."

Glen Kizer, President, Solar Schools Initiative: "Our mission at the Solar Schools Initiative is to expand environmental and energy literacy by supporting solar PV installations on schools across the country. We view the EcoAd program as a unique source of the critical funding that will allow us to accomplish many projects that would otherwise have been shelved." (The Foundation for Environmental Education's Solar Schools Initiative is a recipient of EcoAd-generated project funding. EcoMedia coordinates with Glenn and his team to source school renewable energy projects.)

Pauline Souza, Partner & Architect, WRNS Studio and Green Schools Advocate for the US Green Building Council: "EcoAd will create tremendous benefits for public schools and their communities. Funding from the EcoAd program will help schools become greener and more sustainable without placing further burden on taxpayers. At the same time, we'll actually be able to educate parents, students, and school administrators with the message that, 'We can all do better if we work together to make the small changes that have an enormous impact.' EcoMedia's green makeover at Rosa Parks School in San Francisco is a great example of that. It had a huge impact on the community just by improving the conditions for one local school." (WRNS Studio provided technical services for the Rosa Parks school 'greening' project.)

Terry Tamminen, Founder & CEO Seventh Generation (Former Secretary of California EPA): "The EcoAd program is such an exciting concept, because when you see it, you know that money from that commercial is going into a community, working with cities and local communities for real bricks and mortar projects that otherwise wouldn't get done that make our communities better and our planet better. What could be better?" (7th Generation provides consulting services to EcoMedia.)

Chris Perry, Vice President, Chevrolet Marketing: "Chevrolet recently announced that it will invest $40 million in various clean energy projects throughout America with a goal to reduce 8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Eco Media's EcoAd model provides us with an excellent opportunity to help promote energy savings, renewable energy, responsible use of natural resources and conservation in local communities across the United States."

Alex Petrov, Vice President, Consumer Brands, Safeway, Inc.: "We are really part of a larger community of sustainable companies, so the notion of actually being able to go through the EcoAd a good opportunity for Safeway and O Organics. We have highly valued this partnership."

Jan Soderstrom, Vice President, Brand Management, SunPower Corp.: "SunPower is participating in the program because it's a great fit with our vision of 'changing the way the world is powered.' As the leader in solar energy, our goal is to make a meaningful impact on the environment and certain local communities. Through the EcoAd program, we have the opportunity to promote our value proposition and at the same time give back."

Marilee Grant, Director of Community Relations, Boston Scientific: "Boston Scientific is committed to making more possible in the communities where we live and work. We make this commitment real by supporting global, national and local health and education initiatives, striving to improve patient advocacy, and minimizing our impact on the environment. Participating in the EcoAd program provides us with a unique opportunity to give back in a very tangible and meaningful way."

Patrick Cloney, Executive Director, MassCEC: "We look forward to a future partnership with EcoMedia-CBS, whose efforts to drive vital environmental improvements such as energy efficiency and renewable energy in communities across America are helping cities and towns save money and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions."

James Grande and Dennis Wilson, Owners of Pacific Coast Termite: "Pacific Coast Termite is excited to participate in the EcoAd program in the Bay Area. We look forward to working closely with local municipalities and other public organizations to identify and fund renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. We recognize the importance of these environmentally sustainable developments and are proud to be a part of such a cutting-edge initiative."

Michael P. Monahan, Business Manager Local 103, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers: "As the awareness of our environmental challenges becomes more and more commonplace, CBS-EcoMedia has developed an historic program that allows companies and organizations to reach consumers while investing in a cleaner, more sustainable environment."

Arley Baker, Deputy Executive Director, Communications, Port of Los Angeles: "The EcoAd program helps us further demonstrate our commitment to a sustainable future by contributing in a tangible way toward making the Los Angeles area a healthier, greener place to live."

Paul Orzeske, President, Honeywell Building Solutions: "Honeywell has been helping its customers reduce energy consumption and costs for more than 100 years. And funding is always a challenge, especially in the public sector. So we're excited to team with EcoMedia."

Phil Ting, Assessor & Recorder, City and County of San Francisco: "It's so critical that there is this environmental impact. People forget there's a difference when we trade off fossil fuel for clean energy, and the environmental impact in this neighborhood should not be underestimated." (San Francisco is a municipal partner of EcoMedia.)

Michael Schmitz, California Director, I.C.L.E.I.: "There's a financing gap that's very real, and it will not be met by the federal government or the state governments, increasingly. But what EcoMedia has figured out is the way to get that bridge financing through this creative advertising model. It's exactly the kind of thing that's going to help catalyze these kinds of projects." (I.C.L.E.I. is a potential project sourcing and fulfillment resource for EcoMedia.)

SOURCE EcoMedia A CBS Company

EcoMedia A CBS Company

CONTACT: Shannon Jacobs, +1-212-975-3161,

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