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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Criminal Judges and Prosecution for Obstruction of Justice?: Full Disclosure Network® Video Report

Criminal Judges and Prosecution for Obstruction of Justice?: Full Disclosure Network® Video Report

WASHINGTON, April 5, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --Former U.S. Prosecutor Richard I. Fine, Ph.D is featured in a three-segment online video and cable TV series on the Full Disclosure Network® where he exposes the problems related to Judicial Officers who have received illegal payments from litigants appearing before them, a practice prohibited by law and the Judicial Canons of Ethics. Specifically, Fine describes the circumstances involving the recent Federal prosecution of Judge Adams along with the process to "Null and Void " illegal court orders when issued by a "conflicted" judge. Using an example, Fine cited his own case where California Superior Court Judge David Yaffe ordered him held for eighteen months in civil contempt of court in a case where the Judge had accepted $850,000 from a party involved in the case before him.

Three video segments (8 minutes each) are available here online from the title links below and featured on public access and community cable television channels throughout California and in major cities across the United States.

No Immunity For Judges From Criminal Prosecution (Obstruction of Justice)

Dr. Richard Fine describes the three reasons why there is no criminal immunity for Judges when they accept money from litigants involved in cases before them. California's Senate Bill SBX211 does not protect Judges from Federal prosecution.

Why Disqualified Judges Orders Are Null & Void

Dr. Fine points out that Judges who have accepted money from a party to litigation in their court room violates Judicial Canons of ethics and the law. Void court orders and judgments result when a Judge does not have jurisdiction to render an order.

Lawyers & Judges: Malpractice Insurance Carriers To Cover Court Crimes?

Richard Fine suggests that under the law attorneys and Judges have a responsibility to disclose in Court to their clients and/or litigants any judicial conflict on cases before them. This would include private attorneys, public defenders and or prosecutors.

Related Links On Judicial Conflicts:

Judical Obstruction of Justice

Richard Fine's Indictment & Request for US , State and County Prosecution

What Is the Full Disclosure Network

Contact: Leslie Dutton 310-822-4449

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