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International Entertainment News

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Conservatives Demand FCC Chair Protect Taxpayers

Conservatives Demand FCC Chair Protect Taxpayers

WASHINGTON, July 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today, J. William Lauderback, Executive Vice President of The American Conservative Union, urged FCC Chair Kevin Martin to reject anti-competitive, anti-consumer and anti- taxpayer open access provisions in the 700MHz auction rules.

Chairman Martin plans to insert so-called "open access" requirements on portions of the spectrum to be auctioned. Lauderback joined conservative leaders from across America as well as prominent House and Senate Republicans in warning Martin that these anti-competitive provisions undermine the free- market, punish consumers, and cost taxpayers billions.

Lauderback told Martin, "We don't have to choose between competition and maximizing revenue. We can do both with no restrictions placed on the spectrum." Lauderback also encouraged Martin not to give in to the bullying tactics of liberal special interest groups.

Lauderback stated, "Chairman Martin stands at a crossroads. He can define his legacy as a forward looking conservative Chairman who brought the communications industry to new heights or he can surrender the next generation of communications technology to the most liberal voices in the Democratic Party that believe government, not the free market, should regulate growth and innovation regarding the Internet and wireless communications."

Source: American Conservative Union

CONTACT: J. William Lauderback of American Conservative Union,

Profile: intent


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