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International Entertainment News

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Business Shrink is Offering New 'Office Hours.' Now 24/7 on the Web.

The Business Shrink is Offering New 'Office Hours.' Now 24/7 on the Web.

Peter Morris, commentator on the psychology of business success and self-help counselor for the entrepreneur, extends his reach with interactive web site

CHICAGO, July 27 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "The Business Shrink," a syndicated radio program that features investor, market analyst and self-help business counselor Peter Morris, is expanding his "office hours" by going 24/7 on the web,

Morris, who cautions entrepreneurs that personality and psychology govern profitability as much as any business plan, will now offer 24/7 advice, counsel and guidance to an internet audience seeking to advance their careers.

Morris said, "I am genuinely excited about the launch of our interactive website. To date, the radio show has been our main medium through which we've partnered with other business websites. Having our own unique content devoted to Business and Business Psychology is a great next step and expands our audience globally."

Morris, as "The Business Shrink," counsels that all business is governed by human behavior. He challenges his listeners, "Online stock transactions? Deals that are sealed, contracts that are signed, and purchases that are completed without parties ever having to speak to each other, much less meet face to face? All of these examples are extremely personal because they involve human interaction and emotions such as fear, pride and satisfaction. Understand these basic elements and you understand how markets move."

Morris says even though something may come in a business wrapper, everything is ultimately about thoughts and feelings. Now Morris is augmenting his syndicated radio program by going web wide, with subscribers getting access to his weekly newsletter, streaming audio, provocative blogs and Morris' "Biz Shrink Advice for Businesses & Entrepreneurs."

Shane Hackett, President of PRM Media Direct, and the creative force behind Morris' on-line expansion explains, "I don't know any other place where you can get direct access to this kind of knowledge, insight, and experience. Peter's business mind & experience is unmatched. It's an incredible opportunity for business owners & entrepreneurs around the world to get "real world" advice from one of the best.

Morris uses his pulpit to expound and expose. For example, he used a recent episode of his program to warn listeners of allegedly fraudulent time shares in a beach resort and he has published opinion essayists offering insight and advice on the sub prime lending crisis that still has the potential to rock the American investment community. Morris proposed an emergency response that includes a government restructuring of a portion of the mortgage debt with federal and state underwriting, a tough oversight program that prevents "liar loans" from being sold to millions of unwary consumers who can't spot the hidden fees or balloon payments, and the creation of a Washington based insurance program for those mortgages that do go belly up so that the nation can prevent the mortgage market from collapsing.

"Some would maintain that technology is dehumanizing business, creating little more than a series of electronic transfers," offered Morris. "Through

I will be keeping 'office hours' on a 24/7 basis that allows me to offer my "business patients" the counseling and insight they need to understand that it's all about people and the decision making process govern by emotions -- ours as well as theirs."

The Business Shrink National Radio Program can be heard on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 114, WRTN 93.5 New York, WCEV 1450 AM Chicago, WCFO 1160 AM Atlanta, 1260 AM Washington DC and at

Source: The Business Shrink

CONTACT: The Business Shrink, 1-888-715-4249; Gary Lewi, Rubenstein
Associates, Inc., +1-212-843-8010,

Web site:

Profile: intent


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