Politician Calls for a Ban on Mondays
Politician Calls for a Ban on Mondays
LONDON, December 6/PRNewswire/ --
- Our Survey Says 78% Support Ban
Monday December 11th 2006:
Alan 'Howling Laud' Hope, leader of the Official Monster
Raving Loony Party, will join forces with Garfield the cat to lead a march on
Parliament Square and start an official campaign to ban Mondays. Monday has
been statistically proven to be the most depressing day of the week and the
proposed bill aims to turn 'Mundane Monday' into 'Funday Monday', creating a
three day weekend in winter.
The proposition has received unprecedented public support,
with 78% of Britons surveyed saying they would back the ban as they suffer
from feeling F.I.N.E - Fed-up, Insecure, Neurotic & Emotional - on a Monday
morning. Unanimous support also comes from the 135,000 members of the
Official Monster Raving Loony Party and over 1000 members of the public who
have signed a petition supporting the move.
The party have invited Garfield the cat to join them in their
Parliamentary campaign. Famous for thinking 'Mondays Suck' he is acting as
the official representative of the pet community.
Alan 'Howling Laud' Hope says: "Everyone hates Mondays and it
is about time that something was done about it! We suggest the ban takes
place each winter to help combat the depressive effects of the darker months
and make up for the fact that we work more hours than any other European
Union country. We believe that pets also suffer from the effects of Mondays
and, with Garfield a staunch advocate of the ban, we welcome his support ".
Peter Neville, pet behaviourist agrees with the fact that cats
do feel blue on Mondays. "For some cats, Monday will be the worst day of the
week. If their owners work then Monday means less attention, less play, less
company, less grooming, fewer treats and maybe confinement indoors....it's a
big contrast from the weekend and can be seriously depressing."
The 'Ban on Mondays' is the first major bill that the Official
Monster Raving Loony Party has put through Parliament since they called for
pet passports, and signifies a glorious resurgence for party politics. Sit up
and listen Britain - Mondays are on the way out!
For further information on the proposed ban and survey results, an
interview with Alan 'Howling Laud' Hope or for further details on the DVD
release of Garfield 2 including imagery, please contact Kim Shaw at DSA PR on
kim@dsapr.co.uk / +44(0)20-7553-3700 during office hours and +44(0
)7773-784-047 at all other times.
Source: The Official Monster Raving Loony Party
Kim Shaw at DSA PR on kim@dsapr.co.uk / +44(0)20-7553-3700 during office hours and +44(0)7773-784-047 at all other times
Profile: intent
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