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Friday, February 06, 2015

ProfNet Experts Available on Genetic Testing, 'Fifty Shades,' Red Carpet Fashion, More

ProfNet Experts Available on Genetic Testing, 'Fifty Shades,' Red Carpet Fashion, More

Also in This Edition: Jobs for Writers, Media Industry Blog Posts

NEW YORK, Feb. 6, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Below are experts from the ProfNet network that are available to discuss timely issues in your coverage area. If you are interested in interviewing any of the experts, please contact them via the contact information at the end of the listing.

If you are in need of additional experts, you can also submit a query to the hundreds of thousands of experts in our network. You can filter your request by institution type and geographic location to get the most targeted responses. The best part? It's free! Just fill out the query form to get started:

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-- How Do You Use Mobile in Your Reporting?

-- Eating Disorders
-- Attending to Emergency Cardiac Patients
-- Genetic Testing Can Provide Preventative Insight
-- Millennials the Most Stressed-Out Generation in America
-- 'Fifty Shades' Selling the Dignity of Women Down the River
-- Red Carpet Fashion

-- Reporter - Kodiak Daily Mirror (AK)
-- Freelancer - U.S. News & World Report
-- Freelancer - Mitu Network

-- Q&A Team: How PR Pros and Journalists Can Work Together
-- Blog Profiles: Beauty & Style Blogs
-- PR Newswire's Media Moves: Feb. 2 Edition


To better understand how members of the media use mobile devices (phones or tablets) to produce stories, PR Newswire for Journalists is asking users to participate in a quick, eight-question survey. The survey will remain open until Feb. 15:


Eating Disorders

Lisa Lilenfeld, Ph.D.

Professor, Clinical Psychology

American School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University, Washington, D.C.

"According to the National Eating Disorder Association, an estimated 30 million U.S. adults will struggle with a 'clinically significant' eating disorder at some point in their life. However, eating disorders can be more about establishing some sort of control rather than just about weight and food. By controlling the amount of food consumed, by using food to manage emotions, or by focusing on weight and calories, a person avoids addressing the cause of uncomfortable or feared emotions. This February is National Eating Disorder Awareness Month and a good time to address those affected by an eating disorder."

For the past two decades, Dr. Lilenfeld's program of research has focused upon identifying risk factors for eating disorders, particularly personality traits. She has over 40 peer-reviewed publications and has made approximately 100 national and international conference presentations. She has been the recipient of numerous grants to fund her research, and has served as a collaborator for an ongoing international genetic study of eating disorders. Dr. Lilenfeld has been interviewed by various television and newspaper organizations -- ABC News, FOX News, USA Today, WebMD -- regarding her work on eating disorders. Several years ago, she spoke at a Congressional briefing and worked alongside former Congressman Patrick Kennedy on Capitol Hill to garner support from Congress and the Senate to support national legislation pertaining to eating disorders treatment, prevention and research. She has taught thousands of graduate and undergraduate students since 1998, and has supervised hundreds of doctoral students in their therapy training over this time period. She is the immediate past-president of the Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy and Action, as well as an elected fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders, an elected member of the Eating Disorders Research Society, a member of the Association for the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, and a member of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. In addition, she has maintained a part-time practice since 1996, specializing in the treatment of adults and adolescents who struggle with eating disorders and anxiety disorders.

Media Contact: Ryan Smith,

Attending to Emergency Cardiac Patients

Erik Larsen, MD, FACEP

Associate Director, Emergency Department

White Plains Hospital

"It's vital to train EMS crews to treat patients at the scene or in transit, so patients arrive at the ED [emergency department] in the best possible condition. For example, in attending to emergency cardiac patients, when time is of the essence, ambulances need to be equipped with electrocardiograms that can transmit directly, en route, results to the ED. This information helps the ED identify patients who need cardiac catheterization. At White Plains Hospital, we've seen this result in a median time between the patient pickup and cath treatment of 49 minutes -- 45% faster than the 90-minute 'Gold Standard' recommended by the American Heart Association."

Dr. Larsen learned first-hand the life-saving role a hospital's ED plays. In 1985, when he was working in an Ohio factory after college and advocating to improve health and safety conditions, a labor meeting turned into a brawl and he was beaten within an inch of his life. He had stopped breathing before he arrived in the emergency room, and it was an ED physician who resuscitated him. Dr. Larsen spent two months in the hospital, and it took fully eight months until he regained his memory, but he never forgot that emergency medicine had saved his life, and it became his life's work.

As a practitioner of emergency medicine, Larsen has responded to earthquakes in Pakistan and Haiti, and led the emergency medical response team for Hurricane Wilma in Florida. After Hurricane Katrina, he was ensconced as medical director at the New Orleans International Airport, where he triaged the injured, sick, and dying, evacuating 40,000 people out of flooded city to hospitals capable of treating them. And, as the chief medical officer for the federal government's Region 2 National Disaster Medical System, he served as chief medical officer at President Obama's 2013 inauguration, the 2013 Super Bowl, and the 2013 and 2014 opening sessions of the U.N. General Assembly, prepared to lead the medical response team if the unthinkable happened. He is available to discuss emergency medicine; earthquake and hurricane disaster medical response; leading medical response team at presidential inauguration and U.N. General Assembly.


Media Contact: Jeannie Ashford,

Genetic Testing Can Provide Preventative Insight

Dr. Jerald Goldstein

Founder and Medical Director

Fertility Specialists of Texas

"For parents concerned about hereditary or genetic disorders such as Down Syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and autism, genetic testing prior to pregnancy and embryo testing can provide preventative insight into a baby's health."

Dr. Goldstein's practice has achieved several medical milestones, including the first successful reported pregnancy in North Texas through egg freezing (2012), and the first case of next-generation sequencing for chromosome screening in North Texas (2014). He is an expert in all areas of fertility and infertility including genetic screening, egg freezing, IVF, fertility health, and the latest technological advancements in fertility, and has authored scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Fertility and Sterility and Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is based in Dallas.


Media Contact: Elizabeth Peichel,

Millennials the Most Stressed-Out Generation in America

Dr. Frieda Birnbaum

Research Psychologist, Psychoanalyst

Adults in the Millennial generation, defined as people ages 18-35, have the highest stress level, according to the just-released American Psychological Association's annual "Stress in America" survey. Members of the group have an overall stress level of 5.5 on the 1-10 scale -- the highest rate of any American age group. Says Dr. Birnbaum: "Today's Millennials are experiencing very harsh economic conditions that their parents likely didn't face. Thirty years ago, there wasn't a $1.2 trillion dollar student debt bubble and home ownership wasn't at the record lows that it is today. Also, inflation has increased substantially. In 1973, if you purchased an item for $1, that same item would cost $5.33 today, an increase of 422%. Many Millennials have been forced to move back in with their parents and watch their 20s slowly ebb away as they frantically try to improve their situation. This can be mentally devastating. Millennials are the most stressed-out generation in America for good reason. Even for the ones who are willing to work anywhere to get their foot in the door, the jobs just aren't there in many cases."

Based in the New York metropolitan area, Dr. Frieda Birnbaum is a research psychologist, psychoanalyst and author of "What Price Power: An In-Depth Study of the Professional Woman in a Relationship." She's an expert on depression, women's issues, and attaining happiness, and has been featured on "Oprah" and "20/20" as the oldest mother in the U.S. to have twins.

Media Contact: Ryan McCormick,

'Fifty Shades' Selling the Dignity of Women Down the River

Teresa Tomeo

Radio Host and Author

"The folks behind 'Fifty Shades of Grey' know that sex sells, and the book series and soon-to-be-released film are not only selling sex, but selling the dignity of women, along with healthy loving marriages and relationships, right down the river."

Tomeo is the host of nationally syndicated Catholic radio program "Catholic Connection" from EWTN, the Global Catholic Network, which is heard on more than 200 U.S. Catholic radio stations, as well as on Sirius/XM radio. She is also the author of numerous books related to the media and its impact on society, as well as Christian inspiration, and regularly speaks on these topics across the country. She can discuss the upcoming movie release of "Fifty Shades of Grey" and its negative impact on society, particularly women and relationships. She maintains that true feminism stands up for women's dignity and doesn't promote sexual abuse. She presents an opposing view to the popular acceptance of this explicitly sexual movie. She is a former Detroit news anchor who makes for a great on-camera interview, as she is conversational, frank and funny.


Media Contact: Lyn Mettler,

Red Carpet Fashion

Michael Rosen

Fashion Instructor

The Art Institute of California - San Francisco

"The Oscars red carpet is one of the most-watched fashion events of the year. And now that the 2015 Academy Award nominations have been released, it's just a matter of time before you get to see all of your favorite celebrities along with the most stylish that Hollywood has to offer. Without any clear-cut rivalries or dramatic narratives brewing, this is the perfect year to focus on the styles at the red carpet. What an actor wears can send a powerful message to fans, directors, the media and the Academy. The right gown can elevate someone from starlet to A-lister, or from party girl to polished fashionista."

Rosen has worked in the fashion industry for more than 30 years. He was a founding member of London Fashion Week and as an instructor in the '90s, his students included fashion luminaries Hussein Chalayan, Phoebe Philo, John Galliano, Giles Deacon, Katie Grand and the late Alexander McQueen. Rosen has consulted for brands like Gore-Tex and Bodymap; produced fashion events around the world; authored fashion-related books and articles; and was voted one of England's 5 Best Dressed Men. In addition to the best and worst dressed, Rosen can discuss: the look and style of red carpet fashion; trends that are making a recurrence; where the designers are from, along with the reasons and history behind the styles; how the red carpet fashions will affect what will be available in stores in the near future; how to get the beauty look and not just the clothes; how to get the style on a budget.

Media Contact: Ryan Smith,


Following are links to job listings for staff and freelance writers, editors and producers. You can view these and more job listings on our Job Board:

-- Reporter - Kodiak Daily Mirror (AK)
-- Freelancer - U.S. News & World Report
-- Freelancer - Mitu Network


Following are links to other news and resources we think you might find useful. If you have an item you think other reporters would be interested in and would like us to include in a future alert, please drop us a line.

Q&A Team, we wanted to tackle the topic of PR-media relationships, so we
sat down with Alex Yong, reporter for Small Business Trends and blogger
for Techmania411. Yong shared his tips and suggestions for how PR
professionals can connect and build better working relationships with
him and other journalists:
-- BLOG PROFILES: BEAUTY AND STYLE BLOGS. As PR Newswire's media relations
manager, Christine Cube comes across great blogs that cover a wide
variety of topics and interests. Each week, she offers brief profiles of
blogs you might not have heard of. This week, she shares reviews of a
few beauty and style blogs:
-- PR NEWSWIRE'S MEDIA MOVES: FEB. 2 EDITION. PR Newswire's weekly audience
research newsletter, PR Newswire's Media Moves, is chock-full of media
news and job changes. In this week's issue, you'll read updates on
Chicago Tribune, Organic Life, Cincinnati Enquirer, NY Daily News,
Automotive News, Nylon Magazine, Capital New York, Shape magazine, and

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