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Thursday, May 08, 2014

CIVIS Media Prize 2014 - Ten Programmes Honoured in Berlin

CIVIS Media Prize 2014 - Ten Programmes Honoured in Berlin

BERLIN, May 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --

- Cross-reference: background information is available at -

New CIVIS Cinema Prize goes to "Fack ju Göhte"

Eight European radio and TV programmes as well as one Web portal were honoured on
Thursday evening (8.5.) in Berlin with the renowned CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and
Cultural Diversity. Two of the awards, which are endowed with prizes of 3,000 Euros per
category, went to productions from ORF (Austria). Prizes also went to programmes from BNT
(Bulgaria), HR (Germany), KRO-NCRN (Netherlands), SRF (Switzerland), SWR (Germany) and
ZDF/Arte (Germany). The European CIVIS Online Media Prize was awarded to the video
platform "" (Austria). The CIVIS Cinema Prize, awarded for the first
time in 2014, was taken by the German school comedy "Fack ju Göthe". Sandra Maischberger
was the presenter at the official prize-giving ceremony in the Federal Foreign Office in
Berlin. The TV gala was broadcast by ARD/Das Erste and several other European television
programmes (Please see below for broadcast times).

For 27 years now, the CIVIS Media Prize has been recognizing programme contributions
which promote the peaceful co-existence of people of the most varied national, ethnic,
religious or cultural origins. The European competition in 2014 registered a record
participation of 709 programmes from 23 EU countries and Switzerland. Patrons of the CIVIS
Media Prize 2014 are German Federal President, Joachim Gauck, and the President of the
European Parliament, Martin Schulz.

The official prize-giving ceremony was attended by a large number of prominent guests
- among them the Federal Government's Integration Commissioner, Minister-of-State Aydan
Özoguz, the Minister-of-State for Foregn Cultural Relations in the Foreign Office, Maria
Böhmer, the Federal Chairman of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Cem Özdemir, TV presenter,
Frank Elstner, WDR Director-General, Tom Buhrow, the ARD Chairman and NDR Director-General
, Lutz Marmor, the Director-General of Deutschlandradio, Willi Steul, ORF Director-General
, Alexander Wrabetz, SRG SSR Director-General, Roger de Weck, the President of the German
Savings Banks Association, Georg Fahrenschon, the Director of the 1st German Television,
Volker Herres, the Television Director of Westdeutscher Rundfunk, Jörg Schönenborn, der
Leiter des ARD-Hauptstadtstudios, Ulrich Deppendorf, the political scientist, Werner
Weidenfeld, the Chairman of UFA, Wolf Bauer, media experts, Jo Groebel, Minu
Barati-Fischer and Mathias Schwarz from the Deutsche Produzenten Allianz, the Chairman of
the WDR Mediagroup Michael Loeb, the Chairman of Constantin Film, Martin Moszkowicz, WDR
TV Editor-in-Chief, Sonia Seymour Mikich, TV journalist Cherno Jobatey, Executive Director
of the CIVIS Media Foundation, Michael Radix.

The Prize-Winners

The CIVIS Cinema Prize for European feature films in German cinemas, awarded for the
first time, went to Bora Dagtekin, Christian Becker, Lena Schömann and Martin Moszkowicz
for the school comedy "Fack ju Göhte", produced by Rat Pack Filmproduktion and Constantin
Film (Germany). In the public voting in April 2014 via the Internet, the majority of all
those participating in the ballot voted for the witty and fast-paced film. 26,600 loads
were registered in the online voting, with a clear preference for "Fack ju Göhte".

The European CIVIS TV Prize in the Information category (non-fiction) went to the
author Ed Moschitz for the documentary "dokfilm: Mama Illegal" (ORF). In it, Ed Moschitz
documents the consequences of illegal labour migration and the loss of the home country.
The lives of three Moldovan women are sensitively presented. Their fears, the uncertainty
of their illegal status - but also the strength and the courage of women. "Mama Illegal
shows the enormous differences in levels of prosperity in Europe, exploitation and
villages without women, in which children grow up without mothers. A politically
important, a shocking film - about people who live concealed in our cities" -judged the

The CIVIS Magazine Prize for short programmes up to 10 minutes went to Kremena
Budinova und Svetoslav Draganov for the report. "Small Stories from the Roma world:
Hristov family" (BNT). "For ten years, the Bulgarian television programme 'Roma World' has
been campaigning against discrimination and for integration. The programme is directed
against the passivity of the Roma and demands more self-respect from them. In their short
report on the Hristov family, Kremena Budinova and Svetoslav Draganov give an insight into
the daily life of a traditional Roma family. They produce very authentic pictures -
powerful images and impressive", according to the jury.

The European CIVIS TV Prize in the entertainment category (fiction) went to Martin
Ambrosch for the ORF-Tatort "Out for the Count". An exceptional crime thriller which is
played out on the milieu of forced prostitution and organized human trafficking. The
police commissioners investigate a brutal case: with a twelve-year-old and thus not
responsible perpetrator. The police appear powerless in the face of the underground
business of human trafficking. In the jury's opinion: "The television film is moving and
deeply thought-provoking. The excellent direction and acting performances make a crucial
contribution to the outstanding overall impression. A great film".

The European CIVIS Online Media Prize was awarded to Arash T. Riahi und Arman T. Rihai
for their new web-platform "" (Golden Girls Filmproduktion &
Filmservices GmbH). The unusual video platform with numerous, even secretly shot videos,
audio files, photos, tweets and interviews, offers an elaborate multimedia network of
peaceful protest and social change possibilities. The jury's comments: "The imaginative
multimedia webpage shows backgrounds to migration movements and calls for cultural
diversity. Highly political, outstanding in both content and form, visually impressive. A
superb webpage".

The European Young CIVIS Media Prize went to Eline Schellekens for the short film "A
home for Lydia" KRO-NCRV (Netherlands). The film documents the everyday life of a little
girl who was born in the Netherlands but lives there without a residence permit with her
family. Repeatedly, the family is forced to move their home. They live illegally, have no
papers. The jury's verdict: "Impressive, sensitive, humorous. A political film - a moral
appeal, with an exceptional protagonist".

The German CIVIS Television Prize in the Information category (non-fiction) went to
Diana Löbl and Peter Onneken. The long-term report "Extradited! Temporary workers at
Amazon" (HR/ARD) looks behind the glittering facade of and meticulously
describes the shadowy world of the online retailer's contract workers. It reveals poor pay
and degrading treatment of foreign workers. Intimidation and mistrust. It criticizes
working conditions, contract terms and the links to questionable sub-contractors."An
outstanding piece of journalism - with far-reaching political consequences. Impressive
craftsmanship," thought the jury.

The German CIVIS TV Prize in the Entertainment category (fiction) this year went to
Gabi Blauert, Damir Lukacevic and Gérald Klein for the film "Transfer - The dream of
eternal life" (ZDF/ARTE). With their science-fiction thriller, the prize-winners deliver a
thought-provoking contribution about modern slavery and medical exploitation. The film
logically takes the organ trade from the third world a step further and focuses on the
theme of the global ranking of ethnic groups. It shows people who can afford everything,
but ethically and morally have reached their limits. The jury found it: "Cinematically
impressive, with a colour design which is harmonious down to the smallest detail. With
wonderful actors and outstanding direction. An extraordinary film."

The European CIVIS Radio Prize in the "Long programme" category (over six minutes)
went to Klaus Schirmer for his radio feature "Scrubbing against right-wing extremism. The
relentless struggle of a pensioner against Nazi slogans" (SWR). Klaus Schirmer accompanies
a pugnacious pensioner on her cleaning tour against stickers bearing Nazi slogans through
Berlin and Chemnitz. "Beyond the personal commitment of the protagonist, he produces an
atmospherically intense, highly differentiated sound picture of the threatening
development of right-wing extremism in Germany. Official ignorance and shortcomings are
identified. A great feature - surprising and impressive," was the jury's conclusion.

The European CIVIS Radio Prize in the "Short programme" category (up to six minutes)
was awarded to Marc Lehmann for his radio report "Echo der Zeit: Peaceful coexistence
between Roma and Czechs" (SRF)." The short report offers an impressive and positive
example of successful integration of Roma. "Marc Lehmann presents the peaceful coexistence
of Roma and Czechs - without prejudice, precisely and curiously. He produces a diverse
audio picture - of high radiophonic quality," was the jury's opinion.

Broadcasting dates - CIVIS Media Prize 2014

08.05.2014 ARD/Das Erste, 0.00 - 1.15 (Night of 8th/9th April)
08.05.2014 ORF III Fernsehen, 23.00 - 0.20
09.05.2014 tagesschau24, 23.15 - 00.30
10.05.2014 WDR Fernsehen, 8.45 - 10.00
11.05.2014 3sat, 10.15 - 11.30

Also in the programme of the Deutsche Welle (DW).

You will find further information at

Pictures for download:

Press contact:
Stefanie Schneck, WDR Presse und Information, +49-(0)172-2599042

CIVIS Media Prize

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