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Thursday, January 24, 2013

NAMIC Announces 2013 NAMIC Leadership Seminar Scholarship Opportunities

NAMIC Announces 2013 NAMIC Leadership Seminar Scholarship Opportunities

NEW YORK, Jan. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications (NAMIC), a leading 501(c)(6) trade association, today announced scholarship opportunities for the NAMIC Leadership Seminars scheduled for 2013. The four full scholarships covering tuition, program materials, travel, lodging and meals are a generous gift of the Walter Kaitz Foundation.

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Scholarship recipients will be professionals of color from small cable operators and programmers that might otherwise not have adequate resources to send them to the Leadership Seminar. Eligible candidates are new directors (less than two years), managers and supervisors who are strong performers in their current roles, and who demonstrate the motivation to attain higher positions with increased responsibility. To be considered for the Leadership Seminar scholarships, candidates must have the endorsement of their respective companies.

The deadline for submitting materials for consideration for the 2013 scholarships is Friday, February 22.

The NAMIC Leadership Seminar was created to address the developmental needs and interests of industry professionals recently arrived at a place in their career trajectories demanding a strategic rather than haphazard approach to career planning - in other words, careers by design and not by default. Through crafting personalized blueprints for career advancement linked to enhanced effectiveness in their current organizational roles, participants develop a greater awareness of, and confidence in, their own potential as high-impact contributors.

"Participants attest to the power of the Leadership Seminars to bridge the gap between 'job' and 'career,' while their companies reap the immediate rewards of employees re-tooled, as it were, for maximum creativity and high performance," said James C. Jones, NAMIC's vice president of education programs.

The curriculum for the NAMIC Leadership Seminars is derived from the most respected academic research dealing with developing effective leaders in organizations where diversity is a business imperative. In addition, it reflects today's dynamic communications industry landscape and the professional opportunities and challenges that result from continuous change.

NAMIC Leadership Seminars feature an esteemed faculty of industry experts, authors, and lecturers from prestigious academic institutions. Attendees are guided through an interactive learning process that includes the following:

-- Exploration of professional strengths and developmental needs
-- Charting a course for the enhancement of individual potential
-- Generating a career-by-design strategic blueprint
-- Learning about the power of mentoring as a career enhancement and
development tool
-- Giving and receiving constructive feedback
-- Conflict resolution techniques that leverage heightened performance
-- Understanding diversity as a core organizational value and contributor
to the bottom line
For more information regarding the NAMIC Leadership Seminar scholarships and to access complete application criteria and submission information, visit or contact NAMIC National at 212-594-5985.


NAMIC (National Association for Multi-ethnicity in Communications) is the premier organization focusing on multi-ethnic diversity in the communications industry. Founded in 1980 as a non-profit trade association, today NAMIC comprises 2,700 professionals belonging to a network of 16 chapters nationwide. Through initiatives that focus on education, advocacy and empowerment, NAMIC champions equity and inclusion in the workforce, with special attention given to ensuring that the leadership cadres of our nation's communications industry giants reflect the multi-ethnic richness of the populations they serve. For more information, please visit and stay connected to NAMIC on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and DiversityLive: The Business > Social NAMIC Network.



CONTACT: Charmaine Chapman, BTB Communications, +1-310-882-5498 (office),

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