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International Entertainment News

Thursday, May 03, 2012

STRATA Survey: Agencies Target TV; Social Almost Catches Online Display

STRATA Survey: Agencies Target TV; Social Almost Catches Online Display

Advertising Trends Identified in Q1 Agency Survey

CHICAGO, May 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Bolstered by political advertising, TV attracted the most ad dollars in early 2012, according to a new STRATA quarterly survey of leading agencies. The STRATA Survey also discovered that for the first time, Social is starting to steal the spotlight from Online Display, as Digital has clearly matured in campaigns.

Overall, the advertising economy is positive and appears to be back to a new normal. STRATA, the system of choice for over 1,000 agencies nationally, found that 64% of respondents said their customers' approach to ad planning is the same as last year (the most since the start of the survey). The advertising industry was consistently steady in the first quarter, with 51% reporting growth will be the same as the last half of 2011. The economy appeared to level off in the first quarter, as the STRATA Survey found that only 11% see their business decreasing, which is the lowest percentage since the start of the survey. Positivity among agencies aligned with the economy as a third plan to hire staff and only 20% said their clients are making cuts to planning, which is in fact the least amount since 2008. The top agency concern is client attraction, though that has always been a consistent struggle among those polled from the media industry.

The STRATA Survey found that TV is the top choice, according to 54% of agency respondents (the highest since the first quarter 2009). The report also found that political intrigue could cause inventory to be at a premium this quarter. Overall, 43% of agencies reported they would compete for ad space with political advertisers as opposed to going to an alternative medium. In all, 86% say that they will have either the same or more advertising spend on political vs. the previous 2010-election year (51% say the same as 2010, while 35% say more than 2010).

Spot TV showed gains with 26% saying they are more focused on it than a year ago. Time-shifting (DVR/TIVO usage to go past commercials) is a major concern for 64% of the agencies polled (10% are very concerned, 54% are moderately concerned with time-shifting).

Digital is firmly the second client choice behind TV with 24% of agencies saying above all else Digital is their top medium, and it has checked in between 23% and 30% for the last eleven quarters. When comparing Digital to a year ago, 79% are more focused on Digital today (up 12% over the last year). Further breaking down Social within the Digital category, Facebook remains the top choice for ad agencies at 85%, while YouTube leaped past Twitter for the second spot (45%). Looking at the larger Digital Advertising picture, Social (69%) is neck and neck with Online Display (71%), with Search as the third most focused option (65%). In the next one to three years, 21% of agencies feel they'll have greater spend in Digital than Traditional (though 46% say it will never overtake Traditional).

"The advertising community is facing new challenges as the economy returns to a new normal," said John Shelton, CEO and President of STRATA. "The introduction of new ad choices is causing the environment to become more complex, changing how agencies and clients view campaigns. Television and Social were especially dynamic this quarter, which we expect to continue as the political scene heats up. We also expect Digital Video to continue to shake things up when planning campaigns in 2012, due to 56% of respondents noting they will use the medium this year."


-- The STRATA Survey found that 51% of agencies use more than three mediums
when placing a campaign, 24% already use three, while 19% use two.
-- 11% say they are more focused on Print than they were a year ago (an
increase of 217% over fourth quarter 2011, which is the second most ever
for Print).
-- 47% see their business increasing in this quarter over the same time
last year.
-- Google Plus continues to grow (4th choice overall for Digital at 24% but
up 33% over last quarter).
-- 20% also feel their business and the economy is in a strong growth
period - 23% say that will happen by later this year.
-- Radio saw a nice bump as 25% are more focused on the medium than they
were last year (an increase of 31% over first quarter 2011).
-- Out of Home makes the poll with 30% more focused on OOH than they were
last year (an increase of 65% over fourth quarter 2011).
-- iPhones are still the mobile device of choice for advertisers (75%);
Android is second at 57% - down 19% since fourth quarter 2011.
-- 51% say that their Digital measurement tools are effectively meeting
their campaign needs.
STRATA is the only system provider that connects both media buyers and sellers. The custom solutions supplied by STRATA empower clients to sell and efficiently purchase all media types including cable, broadcast, newspaper, radio, outdoor and digital advertising mediums. On average, over $50 Billion in advertising dollars flow through STRATA systems per year.

As the system of choice for over 1,000 agencies nationally, STRATA provides media technology that enables organizations to lead rather than react to industry developments. By transforming the way advertisements are placed and tracked, STRATA adds a new level of transparency to campaigns that is necessary in the ever-evolving media world.

Headquartered in Chicago, STRATA has been supplying solutions to the media buying and selling industry since 1983. STRATA is owned by Comcast Cable For more information, visit, call (800) 9 STRATA, and on Twitter - @gotostrata

© 2012 Strata Marketing, Inc., All Rights Reserved



CONTACT: Rosemarie Esposito, Dukas PR on behalf of STRATA, +1-646-808-3611,

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