A New Eco-Hero for the PlayStation Generation as
Tarzan Returns to his Roots in New Books
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A New Eco-Hero for the PlayStation Generation as Tarzan Returns to his Roots in New Books
LONDON, April 8, 2010/PRNewswire/ -- History is littered with examples of brands trying to reinvent
themselves to appeal to a new generation, but for one of literature's most
successful franchises, all that's required is a return to its roots -
Since he first swung onto the world stage in 1912 the
bare-chested, savage yet principled character of Tarzan has struck a chord
with generation after generation as he fights to protect the jungle, its
resources and its inhabitants. Now, almost a hundred years later, a
partnership between the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate and one of Britain's
hottest writers is set to bring Tarzan the Eco Warrior to the PlayStation
generation, with a new series of Tarzan novels.
"We've seen plenty of examples of literary brands being
reinvented by new writers anxious to engage new young audiences, but it can
be dangerous territory" said branding expert KD Adamson. "However, in the
case of Tarzan there's no search for a new angle: he's been saving the planet
for nearly a hundred years. On this occasion it's a question of the audience
catching up with Tarzan rather than the other way around."
The power of a global brand isn't an absolute guarantee of
success and before committing to the new series, the first of which 'Tarzan,
The Greystoke Legacy' is set to appear in 2011, the Edgar Rice Burroughs
Estate looked carefully for an author who could match the vivid storytelling
which originally brought Tarzan to life and inspired millions including
environmentalist Jane Goodall.
Andy Briggs, whose credits include the highly successful
'Hero.com and Villain.net' book series, now in negotiation for an animated TV
series, and a string of scriptwriting credits for the likes of Disney and
Paramount Pictures has already been involved with iconic franchises such as
Highlander and Judge Dredd. For him, the character of Tarzan and his beliefs
are ripe for re-booting. Tarzan remains the iconic hero, the man raised by
apes and protector of the wild but in the 21st century he is edgier and more
"Tarzan has more perils to face now: warring rebels, poaching
of endangered animals, illegal logging and the decline of the environment are
all issues that resonate with younger audiences" explains Andy. "He combines
untamed savagery and power with a deep morality and love for the environment
which genuinely speaks to them, as does the perennial love story of Tarzan
and Jane, although Jane now carries an iPod."
The combination of strong writing, a global icon and the
up-coming Tarzan centenary provide the perfect springboard for what looks
likely to be a major series of books with an inevitable cross-over to film
and merchandising. It is a combination which Julian Friedmann, agent to both
Andy Briggs and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. believes has all the right
"Avatar was a huge movie but the story behind it was really
about respecting and protecting indigenous species and communities at the
expense of profit, and those are Tarzan's brand values in a nutshell" said
Julian Friedmann. "We will have the first chapters ready shortly and will be
presenting them to publishers at the London Book Fair in a couple of week's
Notes To Editors
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
A family-owned corporation, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. has
been in existence since 1923 and is located in Tarzana California. Both the
corporation and the town in which it resides, Tarzana, owe their existence to
the imaginative talent and business acumen of one man, Edgar Rice Burroughs
who by the time of his death in 1950 had penned almost 70 novels and over 40
short stories. There is not a facet of popular culture which Tarzan has not
explored at one time or another during the past eighty-some years, and Edgar
Rice Burroughs, Inc. continues to oversee the marketing of Mr. Burroughs'
ever-popular creations bringing Tarzan to new generations and audiences
worldwide as it prepares for the literary centenary of the 'ape-man' in 2012.
The Blake Friedmann Literary, Film & TV Agency
The Blake Friedmann Literary, Film & TV Agency is based in
London UK with a strong network of sub-agents worldwide and currently
represents over 200 book, film and TV writers and directors across the globe
including Peter James, Sheila O'Flanaghan, Barbara Erskine, Tess Stimson,
Gilbert Adair, Deon Meyer, Lawrence Norfolk, Roger Spottiswoode and Andy
Briggs. The agency continues to be guided by the founders Carole Blake and
Julian Friedmann who are well known and respected within the industry and,
together with their ten colleagues, work closely with clients through the
respective editorial, contractual, and marketing processes that lead to
publication, or broadcast or cinema release. Both Carole and Julian write,
speak and comment widely on publishing, film and television.
Press and Media enquiries:
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc & Blake Friedmann
Literary, Film & TV Agency
Stark Moore Macmillan PR (London UK)
T: +44-(0)20-7127-4262
Source: The Blake Friedmann Literary, Film & TV Agency and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Press and Media enquiries: Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc & Blake Friedmann, Literary, Film & TV Agency, Stark Moore Macmillan PR (London UK), T: +44-(0)20-7127-4262, tarzan@starkmooremacmillan.com
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