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International Entertainment News

Thursday, June 05, 2008

'Recovery Nation Live' Saves Lives

'Recovery Nation Live' Saves Lives

MIAMI, June 5 /PRNewswire/ -- The talk radio scene in South Florida has a new arrival, "Recovery Nation Live", supported by one of the greatest baseball players of all time, Reggie Jackson, through his Mr. October Foundation. Unlike the typical political/pop-culture shows littering the airwaves, "Recovery Nation Live" is a daily call-in show, previously heard in Los Angeles. During the year 2006 the show established a new genre of terrestrial radio, or "reality radio" with the spotlight where it should be -- on the callers themselves.

The callers share with listeners their dramatic stories of addiction, including alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs, eating disorders, cutting, sex or any negative-habit-forming behavior. The drama-laden show has aired everything from the rescue of a heroin-addicted suicidal caller to the less dramatic but always painful addictions of so many desperate alcoholics and addicts.

"Recovery Nation Live" is the only call-in talk show that allows the caller to listen, maybe about themselves or a loved one, and call in to express their own experiences and concerns about addiction. JT and his "crew" offer REAL LIFE solutions for ALL addictions. The show is all about SAVING LIVES.

"Recovery Nation Live" gives listeners entertainment, reality, and most of all new hope. On radio, the show can now be heard on WBZT AM1230 from N. Miami up to Stuart from 9pm - 12mid, Monday through Saturday.

"Recovery Nation Live" can also be heard live on from anywhere in the world. Just click on "Listen Live" at . The web site is the #1 On Radio On Line Recovery Community in the World emphasizing education, help, and entertainment within a recovery community atmosphere. All the past radio shows are also accessible on the site.

John Tomkinson (JT), creator and host, is a former marketing and advertising entrepreneur and veteran radio announcer who attended the School of Broadcasting at UCLA. J.T. is a recovering alcoholic and addict. Tomkinson's personal history includes four previous "rehab" stays, but he just could not stay sober. It was only after losing everything and living out of his car that he finally took to heart the message of hope and the solution he had heard in rehab and twelve step programs. His life mission is to stay sober, while bringing the message of hope for a better life to the masses through the most accessible medium -- radio, specifically talk radio. "There is nothing as powerful as one addict helping another."

The self-stated mission of "Recovery Nation Live" is to educate, inform and entertain the thousands of listeners who may be, or know someone who is, addicted to any of the negative behaviors physicians now place in the category of "addiction", including alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, and harmful obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

"Recovery Nation Live" is not all talk. The members of the show take an active interest in the plight of its callers, because they know personally the horrors of an addicted lifestyle. As part of its mission, "Recovery Nation" has placed in treatment over 150 of its callers and listeners.

The show's comprehensive web site features information on where addicts can get help, archives of past shows, news releases, videos, music, streaming audio for listeners out of the broadcast footprint, and a window for emailing the hosts. Over 40,000 hits were registered in a single day.

First Call Analyst:
FCMN Contact:

Source: Recovery Nation Live

CONTACT: Nick Cuneo, CEO, Recovery Nation Live, +1-954-608-7002,

Web site:

Profile: intent


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