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International Entertainment News

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bishops' Communications Committee Praises Russert's Witness to Catholicism

Bishops' Communications Committee Praises Russert's Witness to Catholicism

WASHINGTON, June 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- NBC newsman and political commentator Tim Russert, who was slated for burial June 18 after a funeral Mass in Washington, unabashedly witnessed to his Catholic faith, said Archbishop George H. Niederauer of San Francisco, chairman of the U.S. Bishops' Communications Committee.

"Russert was valued by Americans for his tremendous command of the political and electoral process and his commitment to discovering each aspect of the story that contributed to people having a better awareness of the issues of public life and candidates for political office," he said.

"But those of us who shared his Catholic faith and his deep love for it appreciated his sharing of the story of his own faith and his loyalty to the life of the Catholic Church in this country and the many charities to which he contributed his time and talent," he said.

Archbishop Niederauer also praised NBC News for asking Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, retired archbishop of Washington, to come to their studio for their staff, hours after Russert's death.

"Tim Russert was not shy about telling people to turn to prayer and promising to pray for them in their time of need," he said. "That the network thought of his staff and followed his example speaks well of them."

He noted that over the weekend, the newsman's broadcast friends described Russert's devotion to his family and church. His producer noted that there were two things Tim never missed: Mass and an event for his son Luke.

"Russert in his public life was loyal to journalism," said Archbishop Niederauer. "In his private life he was faithful to his family, fatherhood and faith. That's a wonderful measure of a man."

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Source: U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

CONTACT: Sr. Mary Ann Walsh of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, O:
+1-202-541-3200, H: +1-301-587-4762

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