Democrats Launch Nationwide Campaign Calling on Bush to Change Direction in Iraq
Democrats Launch Nationwide Campaign Calling on Bush to Change Direction in Iraq
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WASHINGTON, Aug. 3 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- As Democrats in Congress pass legislation fulfilling their promises to the American people, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee have joined forces to launch a Month of Action on Iraq that will begin with a national television advertising campaign highlighting the Democratic Congress's accomplishments and calling on President Bush to work with Democrats to end the war in Iraq.
The ads will tout the progress the Democratic Congress has made on the priorities important to the American people -- raising the minimum wage; a historic increase in benefits for veterans returning from Iraq, ensuring 6 million children keep their health care, and putting America's security first by passing the 9/11 Commission's recommendations.
"The American people voted for a new direction in the last election, and Democrats are delivering it," DSCC Chairman Chuck Schumer said. "Now it's time for the Republicans to stop obstructing change, and join us to bring an end to the war in Iraq."
"Congress is making progress on the new direction the American people demanded," said DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen. "There is more work to do, this August we're going district by district to urge Republicans to stop obstructing progress and work with us to end the war in Iraq. Republicans who continue to vote in lock step with the President Bush's failed policies will be held accountable."
"The American people want a new direction in Iraq yet President Bush and his Republican allies are stubbornly supporting a policy that is making America less safe," said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. "Time and again, Democrats have passed legislation to end Bush's war of choice in Iraq but Republicans refuse to change course. Democrats will continue to hold them accountable but one thing is clear-Democrats have accomplished more for the American people in the past six months than Republicans accomplished in six years."
The ad campaign kicks off a Month of Action on Iraq calling on Bush and Republicans in the House and Senate to change direction by ending the war. The Committees will also spend the month of August targeting Republicans in their home states and districts for their support of the President's failed Iraq policy and their continued obstruction of Democratic proposals to end the war.
The advertisements begin airing on Monday on national cable stations. The script follows:
Video Audio
Still photos -- dramatic close-ups
of working people, children,
veterans, Bush, Reid, Pelosi, etc.
CG: Raising the Minimum Wage It's a pay raise for Americans
working for minimum wage
CG: Covering Uninsured Children It's coverage for kids whose families
are uninsured.
CG: Increasing Veterans Health Care It's an historic increase in health
benefits for veterans returning from
CG: Taking on George Bush It's taking on George Bush to end a
war gone wrong.
CG: Making America Safe by Passing It's Democrats taking the country in
9-11 Commission Recommendations a new direction.
And there is more work to be done.
CG: Tell George Bush America Wants
Change America wants change ... tell George
Bush it's time to listen.
CG: Paid for by the Democratic
Congressional Campaign Committee. The Democratic Congressional Campaign
Not is responsible for the
Authorized by any Committee content of this advertising.
candidate or candidate's committee.
The Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee is responsible
for the content of
this advertising.
CG: Paid for by the Democratic The Democratic Committee
Senatorial Campaign Committee. is responsible for the content of
this advertising
Not Authorized by any candidate
or candidate's committee.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign
is responsible for the content
of this advertising.
CG: Paid for by the Democratic
National Committee,
authorized by any candidate or
candidate's committee
The Democratic National The Democratic National Committee is
Committee is responsible for the responsible for the content of this
content of this advertisement. advertising.
Source: Democratic National Committee
CONTACT: Stacie Paxton of the Democratic National Committee,
+1-202-863-8148; or Matthew Miller of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign,
+1-202-485-3123; or Jennifer Crider of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, +1-202-485-3442
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