Lonely Planet Founders Tony & Maureen Wheeler Get Lifetime Achievement Award in Travel Journalism
Lonely Planet Founders Tony & Maureen Wheeler Get Lifetime Achievement Award in Travel Journalism
LAS VEGAS, Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Tony and Maureen Wheeler, founders of the Lonely Planet travel guidebooks, are winners of the first Eric A. Friedheim Lifetime Achievement Award for Travel Journalism. The award was given by American University's School of Communication (SOC) and the Society of American Travel Writers Foundation.
The Lifetime Achievement Award for Travel Journalism recognizes two icons of travel journalism. It honors the integrity and high ethical standards of the Wheelers' body of work, which has inspired their colleagues and earned the trust of the public.
"The Lonely Planet guides redefined travel writing and independent travel," said AU School of Communication Dean Larry Kirkman. "Maureen and Tony Wheeler have given us the compass points and courage to explore our world. With this award, the AU journalism program challenges all travel writers to match their high professional standards. At a time when barely a quarter of Americans have passports, we need the Lonely Planet vision of an interdependent global community more than ever."
The Travel Journalism Lifetime Achievement Award is named for Eric A. Friedheim, a journalist and author who was editor-in-chief and chairman of Travel Agent magazine. Friedheim created the Eric Friedheim Library at the National Press Club and the Journalism Lab at American University.
The non-profit SATW Foundation, established to raise the standards and reward excellence in travel journalism, also oversees the annual Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Competition, now in its 21st year.
For more information about Lonely Planet or the awardees, contact Cindy Cohen, publicity manager, at 510-893-8556.
For information about American University, contact Maralee Csellar, AU Media Relations, 202-885-5952.
For information about the Society of American Travel Writers Foundation, contact its president, David Molyneaux at The Plain Dealer in Cleveland at 216-999-4560.
Source: Society of American Travel Writers Foundation
CONTACT: David Molyneaux, Travel Editor, The Plain Dealer, for SATW
Foundation, +1-216-999-4560, DMolyneaux@plaind.com
Web site: http://www.satw.org/
Profile: intent
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