Harmony Contest Brings Great Music to Greensboro
Harmony Contest Brings Great Music to Greensboro
Winston-Salem Chorus and Quartet to Compete
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., May 3 /PRNewswire/ -- Sweet Adelines International (SAI) will soon give Greensboro something to sing about as 1,000 female harmony singers from five states bring their unique style of music to the Koury Center. Choruses and quartets performing four-part harmony will demonstrate, at the highest level, their skills in barbershop-style singing and high-energy choreography. Contest events at the Koury Center in Greensboro will be on Friday, May 6, and Saturday, May 7. The Show of Champions, an extravaganza of barbershop excellence featuring the top five quartet and chorus winners, is set for Saturday night. All events are open to the public.
This is the 30th Annual Contest of Blue Ridge Region 14 of SAI. Competition will be keen with 25 quartets appearing on Friday night and 16 choruses on Saturday afternoon. Each is hoping to win top honors to qualify to compete at the International level.
Regional contests encourage SAI members to develop mastery in singing techniques and experience the pleasure of singing four-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. The criterion for judging women's barbershop quartets and choruses is excellence in the categories of music, expression, sound and showmanship.
Winston-Salem's Golden Triad Chorus, under the direction of Joan Homokay, will appear in the Chorus Contest that starts at noon on Saturday. Sounds Exciting! quartet, also of Winston-Salem, will compete in the Quartet Contest which starts at 5 p.m. on Friday. Members of Sounds Exciting! are Debra Perret, Stephanie Simpson, Melinda Taylor, and Pat Thompson.
Sweet Adelines International is headquartered in Tulsa, Okla., where it was founded in 1945, has 30,000 members worldwide in 1,200 quartets and 600 choruses. It is one of the largest women singers' organizations in the world, committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance. SAI will celebrate its 60th Anniversary at International Contest in New Orleans, La., from October 4-8, 2005.
Event details: Location: Koury Center, High Point Road at I-40 in Greensboro, 336-292-9161. Friday -- Quartet Contest: 5 p.m. Saturday-Chorus Contest: 12 noon. Saturday -- Show of Champions: 8:30 p.m. Tickets: Available at the door one hour prior to each event: Contest events: $15; Show: $20.
Source: Blue Ridge Region 14 Sweet Adelines
CONTACT: Regional Press Coordinator, Jackie Bottash of Blue Ridge Region
14 Sweet Adelines, day, +1-202-344-4914, or evening, +1-703-750-1815, or
jbottash@venable.com ; or Local Press Coordinator, Debra Perret, mobile,
+1-336-414-3021, or ladybass@triad.rr.com , for Blue Ridge Region 14 Sweet
NOTE TO EDITORS: Photos and-or logo available upon request.
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